Signposts for Our Process of Self-Awareness

Human Design offers us a strategy for becoming aware of our experience of our Inner Authority. We can experience our unique vehicle being in the flow of life, of our experience of inner alignment. The potential is our unique embodiment of awareness.

Who is observing that experience? Who notices?

The dilemma we all face is discovering the frequency of being ourselves – becoming aware of the essence of this vehicle, both body and mind, form and personality, and what it feels like to observe life through this vehicle.

We begin our experiment because it feels that our life isn’t turning out how we thought it should be. Or we felt a longing - there had to be something more to this life – is that all there is? Either door leads to the same thing – the practice of our strategy and Inner Authority, which leads to self-awareness, the spontaneous experience of consciousness while in a body.

Moment by moment, we can become aware of the unique frequency of our vehicle, and when it is out of tune. The mind running the life leads to the experience of a distorted frequency fueled by identification with conditioning.

It begins with our strategy. Strategy trains the mind to observe, rather than dictate experiences. Self-observation leads to awareness of our Inner Authority. Whether it is center-based or process-based, all lead to the recognition of our awareness of our internal alignment, our vehicle being attuned with its flow, or not.

We begin this practice by experiencing our vehicle being out of tune, driven by the mind running on conditioning. If we cannot recognize that the mind is trying to run the life, we are identified with our mind. We can see how much the mind resists the strategy and doubts the awareness of Inner Authority. The mind is so tricky; it will keep telling tales while we are learning to wait. It tells stories full of blame or shame, pride or self-criticism in hopes we won’t keep feeling like we’re not succeeding at life.

Those stories come up for a reason – they have fueled the mind’s ability to run our life. The difference is that we can become aware of them. Human Design offers us tools to recognize our openness and the conditioning pattern. We can become wise about our vulnerability by observing our experiences; to recognize how we experience life through our inner alignment.

Over the years of practicing strategy and awareness of Inner Authority, we can begin to relax into the present moment. We live in the vehicle; the body is the life. That doesn’t mean that conditioning doesn’t come bubbling up – we are living in a time of great transition, and we can see it playing out in the world around us. The mind loves to become identified with what it sees, ’oh, people are doing this, I should be doing that too, or how can I avoid that happening to me?’

Our internal mental stories built on conditioning patterns are signposts for our process of self-awareness. The gift is recognizing that story and our conditioning pattern behind it. When we can see the signposts, who notices? Sure, the mind is going to have a comment, but the body is also going to be experiencing this moment, too. Can we be aware of both simultaneously? And who is noticing?

Quote from Ra  - …we are on the edge of the turning of an age. When that background frequency goes away, you’d better know how to tread water.