As I am a Generator, it may seem strange that I have made the lunar path part of my daily Human Design experiment. Some of you know that my partner, Dharmen, is a Reflector. The life of a Reflector is discovered through their relationship with the lunar path. Therefore, since he’s a Reflector, it would seem logical that I would study the lunar transits so that I could have a sense of what he is Reflecting at any given time. Wrong assumption. Here’s 5 reasons why I explore with the Path of the Moon.
#1: The Moon is a Finger Pointing Towards My Unique Experience of Life
Each day, I get a reference for the transit energies my body is experiencing, and my mind is interpreting. The Moon gives me something to observe in my experiences.
“It is like the finger pointing to the moon…”
By exploring the Path of the Moon, the Moon itself is the finger pointing towards my direct experience of life, as it is arriving, in this moment. Exploring the Path of the Moon is not about looking at the finger (in this case, the Moon) but rather, discovering what is my individual experience of what the finger is pointing towards – how I experience that gate’s energies.
I can study the Moon – where the transit is, in what gate, and so on. I can study a list of attributes of each gate, and their keynote descriptions, etc. What I cannot study, however, is my actual experience of that gate energies. How I, uniquely take in life. That is only something I can discover by exploring my Path of the Moon
#2: The Moon Provides a Focus for My Daily Practice
Life has a lot of variables in motion each and every day, and the Moon provides a singular, repetitive pattern of movement. Each month, the Moon transits all 64 Gates, and up to 3 gates is transited each day. The Moon moves in this repetitive cyclic pattern, month after month after month.
I’m not a focused person by nature, and my mind is abstract, and pointed towards the past. When I began my daily tracking of the lunar path, I could look back upon my experience, and recognize the way in which the Moon’s transit had been translated by my mind into a personal story. Slowly over time, those themes, those stories became recognizable as a mental conditioning pattern.
#3: I Get a Fresh Look at My Conditioning Every Day
“ New costumes, new scenery – same old story”
I’ve been experimenting with the Path of the Moon for a long time. It grew out of Dharmen’s daily practice as a Reflector, and it evolved into an online course which we taught for 11 years, which then evolved into the Path of the Moon Workbook.
It would be easy to assume that once I ‘got’ how I experienced a particular gate’s energies, my practice was done. Nope, not so. The beauty of life is that although the Moon’s cycles are repetitive month after month, I’m in a new place, a new experience of that energy each time.
Like a beautiful glimpse of the Moon in the sky, the beauty of each moment is unique. It’s the same Moon each night…but my view of it, how I take that in, the context in which I am observing, my capacity for self-observation, continues to change.
Yes, there is a recognizable theme that continues to show up, a discernable energetic frequency of a particular gate and how I experience it; but that experience is new, each and every day.
Where you are open in your design is what you are here to become wise about, not to live it out. By the daily practice of self-observation through the Path of the Moon, you can develop your individual wisdom, as each day brings a new potential for awareness.
#4: Studying Human Design is not the same as Self-Exploration with Human Design
In 1999, there weren’t a lot of books or classes on Human Design. You got a reading, and then you made the decision to experiment, or not, to discover if Human Design was for you. In this way, I had to find my way into my experiment, into a felt-sense of trust in the body’s life, and my uniqueness.
Human Design is for self-awareness, not to give you fame, fortune, power, or love. It’s about your realization, your experience of consciousness while still in a body. No amount of studying Human Design will give you that experience. Human Design offers you the mechanics of awareness, but to only learn about it, is to miss the gift.
#5: Waiting is an Active State of Awareness
As a Generator, learning to wait has been an interesting dance. My mind had ideas that waiting meant sitting around being bored, doing nothing; and, that nothing would ever happen for me, that I wouldn’t get what I needed from life. Not true.
When I realized that waiting was the opportunity to observe the internalized conditioning stories that were arising from not initiating, well, that was a game-changer. Having a daily practice for self-observation through the Path of the Moon, gives me the daily orientation for being present, for an active state of awareness.
What will you discover through your exploration of your Path of the Moon?